Website Launch FAQ's

Some Frequently Asked Questions About a New Website Launch

My new site is not showing up properly, what is happening?

  • When viewing your new site for the first time, we suggest you fully clear your browser’s cache to ensure everything displays properly. If you are unsure of how to do this, here is a helpful article on how to do so.

How long does it take for DNS to propagate / update?

  • Typically within an hour, but it may take up to 48 hours. It varies from company to company. Not sure what a DNS is? Its a giant address book of domain names. Just like when you move to a new address and alert the post office, we have to update the record of your site’s new address. That propagation time is how long it typically takes for that address book to update.

Will changing website hosts affect my website’s SEO?

  • In short, no. There should not be any dramatic effect on SEO when moving a site to a new host. 

How long will it take for Google to recognize my new site? 

  • We use tools provided by Google to submit your new site to be indexed by Google. This can take up to a week, but in our experience, new sites tend to get indexed much more quickly than that.