Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Your Audience Can't Wait to Open

Despite the common belief that email marketing is dead, it’s quite the opposite. Email marketing is still a powerful way to connect with your audience directly. Unlike content marketing or social media, email marketing is sent directly to customers, increasing their likelihood of seeing it. Not only is email marketing the best way to reach customers directly, but it provides helpful insights into the customer journey. With the right email marketing strategy created by the team at Forge Apollo, we can help deliver content that your customers look forward to opening. Contact our Philadelphia marketing agency today to learn more about email marketing services.
Closeup of mail app on a phone with two notifications

The Top Benefits of

Email Marketing

There are endless ways to capitalize on email marketing—it just depends on your business’s goals. One of the most significant benefits of email marketing is creating custom content for specific audiences. For example, on HubSpot, you can sort your audience into different segments based on industry, location, service interest, etc. Once they’re segmented, we can create content specific to individual segments. The more personalized an email is, the more likely the contact will open and engage.

Email marketing is also a great way to communicate and re-engage with your audience regularly. For example, if a customer hasn’t bought anything from you in a while, your latest email marketing campaign can help you stay at the top of their mind and encourage them to make another purchase.

With the right marketing strategy, businesses can increase sales, website traffic, customer engagement, customer loyalty, reviews, and feedback. Email marketing is one of the best ways to truly understand your customer’s needs and provide support for those needs in the same place.

How it Works

Our Email Marketing Process

Like every personalized marketing service we offer at Forge Apollo, we don’t create a strategy until we know your business inside and out. One of the first steps we take is setting aside time for a discovery call to learn more about your business, services, goals, target audience, and current strategies. Once we collect this information, we will curate a unique Hubspot email marketing strategy to help achieve your desired results.

A Wide Selection to Choose From

Email Marketing Services

There are a variety of emails you can send customers and leads. Here are some of the types of emails Forge Apollo offers as part of our email marketing services.

Email marketing is a great way to provide your customers with all the helpful information they need from you in one place. Newsletters are a great way to share news regularly, the latest blog posts, and industry tips to educate your audience and keep them in the know.

A monthly newsletter is a great way to provide your customers with all the helpful information they need from you in one place. Newsletters are a great way to share news regularly, the latest blog posts, and industry tips to educate your audience and keep them in the know.

Welcome new customers to your email list with a friendly and personal touch.

Have a coupon or content offer you want to share with customers? We can create a specific email or sequence to send this offer to a pre-determined list.

After a lead comes in, do they just sit in your CRM? If so, you’re not effectively leading them down the sales funnel. We can create lead nurturing campaigns to help move prospects through the pipeline instead of sitting in sales purgatory.

When a customer takes a specific action, wouldn’t it be nice if an email went directly to them? For example, if a customer fills out a form on your website for a free ebook, we can create an automation that sends the ebook directly after someone fills out the form. This is just one example of the types of automation we can create on HubSpot. We can set up automatic emails based on your business needs.

One of the best ways to create emails with a high engagement rate is to remove uninterested readers from your email lists regularly. We can accomplish this with structured re-engagement emails.

We’ll help your business get more online reviews by sending out survey emails, feedback evaluations, or review requests.

If there are any other types of emails you need help sending, please contact the team at Forge Apollo to learn how we can help.

Email marketing is also a great way to communicate and re-engage with your audience regularly. For example, if a customer hasn’t bought anything from you in a while, your latest email marketing campaign can help you stay at the top of their mind and encourage them to make another purchase.

With the right marketing strategy, businesses can increase sales, website traffic, customer engagement, customer loyalty, reviews, and feedback. Email marketing is one of the best ways to truly understand your customer’s needs and provide support for those needs in the same place.

Enjoy the Power of HubSpot

HubSpot and CRM Integration

Forge Apollo is a HubSpot Partner, which means we are HubSpot experts! As a HubSpot Partner, we can help integrate this powerful CRM into all the different marketing streams, allowing you a one-stop-shop to check progress and keep track of ROI and sales. Hubspot also offers detailed reporting, automation, and so much more. Best of all, we can take care of your email marketing right on the platform. However, if your business already uses another CRM or email marketing platform like MailChimp, Constant Contact, or Salesforce, we can still assist with your email marketing efforts. 

Get Email Marketing in Philadelphia

Contact Us Today

Are you ready to start sending your target audience emails they look forward to opening? If so, contact our email marketing agency in Philadelphia to learn more about our email marketing services and processes. Contact us today to get started.