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Healthcare training videos

The Impact of Custom Healthcare Training Videos

High-quality training is essential in healthcare practices; however, hands-on training isn’t always time-efficient. As an alternative, healthcare training videos can provide effective training for practice policies and procedures without the

Corporate recruiting video shoot

4 Ways to Use Corporate Video Production for Hiring

Finding skilled candidates who bring value to your company has always been a corporate recruiting challenge. Hiring the best candidates starts with attracting them. 77% of applicants consider company culture

SEO professionals pointing at a screen

The Value of Community Partnerships for Local SEO

If your brand has a geographic service area, you need a local SEO strategy. Some of the benefits of local SEO include improved visibility, targeted traffic, competitive advantage, improved trust,

Marketing professional using HubSpot

8 Ways to Use HubSpot Email Marketing Tools

In our years of experience, the Forge Apollo team has used various email marketing tools. We’ve found HubSpot’s marketing email capabilities to be some of the most robust on the

Closeup of people scrolling through social media on their phones

Organic vs Paid Social Media

When considering organic vs paid social media for your brand, it’s essential to understand each option. When done correctly, social media has massive power to reach your target audience and

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