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5 Components of Lead Generation Websites that Convert

Increase Your Website Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the method businesses use to convince their website viewers to take the desired action. In marketing jargon: it’s “the process of enhancing your website to increase the number of leads you generate.” Companies can’t achieve CRO. They can only improve and enhance their CRO to be more appealing to convert more visitors.

The bottom line: websites can’t attain a completely optimized conversion rate. The best CRO campaigns require constant analysis and testing to verify their effectiveness. Despite this, you can optimize your business website to the best of your current knowledge. Look on the bright side – your website’s usability always has room for improvement!

What is a Lead Generation Website?

Every brand needs a website, but not all websites intend to make sales. For example, numerous creators start a portfolio website to display their work. The designers and developers of these websites aren’t necessarily aiming to convert. In short, lead generation websites aim to convert visitors into paying customers.

How to Increase a Website’s Conversion Rate

We’ve now faced the harsh reality that optimizing your website’s lead generation ability is a never-ending work-in-progress. The good news: the strategists at Forge Apollo in Philadelphia specialize in optimization tactics for businesses of all industries. Avoid wasting your marketing budget on a website that doesn’t convert. Recruit our professional development team after browsing the below suggestions to ensure you’re converting valuable leads.

Components of Lead Generation Websites that Convert. Prominently feature social proof. Optimize web pages for mobile. Remover distractions and congested elements. Write concise and relevant CTAs. Use diverse visual assets to show, not tell.

5 Tips for Conversion Rate Optimization

Your business’s website must do more than look nice. The web development team aims to lead users effortlessly through a specific sales pipeline. But what tactics are the most effective in achieving conversions?

1) Prominently feature social proof.

Testimonials are a powerful tool for getting visitors to take your call-to-action. As much as 91% of shoppers read reviews before making a purchase. Therefore, glowing reviews should be easy to spot. The same goes for noteworthy vendors, sponsors, awards, and recognitions. Your social proof section is your brand’s opportunity to brag (in as few words as possible). Show website visitors why other consumers and businesses want to associate with your company. The right website copy will immediately give leads a reason to do so for themselves.

2) Optimize web pages for mobile.

Nearly 70% of website visits in 2020 were on a mobile device. Even if your content is impeccable, you won’t get any conversions if it’s not displayed correctly. Optimizing your lead generation website ensures the proper format of all copy, images, and videos for any size screen. The best content appears on a web page exactly as the developer intended, on any resolution.

3) Remove distractions and congested elements.

When it comes to website design, less is more. Users can more easily find the information they’re looking for when page elements aren’t cramped or squished together. A huge body of irrelevant text is intimidating to the average viewer. Website visitors need to know exactly what steps to take to get what they want. Distractions on the page prevent potential leads from taking those necessary steps to perform the desired action (CTA).

4) Use diverse visual assets to show, not tell.

Your business website is a customer’s first impression of your brand. A lead generation website needs to be captivating, convincing, and clear. Humans process imagery 60,000 times faster than text. Therefore, the best practice is to employ premium graphics and videos to portray a message effectively. Businesses can recruit a professional video marketing agency like Forge Apollo to gather these premium assets. Advanced content creation and production services guarantee high-quality photos and videos to entice your audience.

5) Write concise and relevant CTAs.

The steps leading up to conversion should tell the customer why they’re buying from you. Once viewers know why they require your product or service, they’ll need to understand how to obtain it. Conversion is inevitable when potential leads can seamlessly move through the sales funnel. A compelling CTA tells these potential customers exactly what to do to solve their problems.

How to Generate More Leads from Your Website

If a magic formula for CRO existed, we would share it. Regrettably, the answer for increasing website conversions varies widely by industry and market position. Converting quality leads requires in-depth market research paired with an innovative marketing strategy. Business owners who genuinely understand and tend to their targets’ needs will see the most website conversions.

Convert More Leads with Lead Generation Websites

Making a positive first impression is your lead generation website’s priority. The next objective is to convert potential leads. The only way to ensure conversions is with an advanced CRO strategy, complete with an optimized website. Let our marketing strategists streamline your sales funnel with a custom website design. The first step towards peak CRO is a professionally-crafted lead generating website. After launching a lead-generating website, our Philadelphia marketing agency can create a custom digital marketing strategy to drive and convert leads. Contact us today to get started!

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