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Travel video producer holding a camera on the beach

28 Video Marketing Statistics to Inform Tourism Marketing Strategies

There are many travel and tourism marketing statistics, but how useful are they to your strategy?

Forge Apollo provides award-winning video production in Philadelphia and to global tourism clients. We understand that statistics alone aren’t helpful. So, today, we’re sharing video marketing statistics and insights about how they should inform your marketing strategy.

Let’s dive in!

Top Video Marketing Statistics

  • 66% of travelers watched videos while planning a trip (Source: Google)
  • 54% of travelers watched videos to help choose accommodations (Source: Google)
  • 91% of brands use video (Source: Wyzowl)
  • 90% of marketers have positive ROI from video (Source: Wyzowl)
  • 90% of brands say video has increased brand awareness (Source: Wyzowl)
  • 87% say it’s increased leads and sales (Source: Wyzowl)
  • Reels have more than twice the impressions than other post types on Instagram (Source: SocialInsider)
  • Engagement is 28% higher when brands put out a mixture of UGC and brand-produced content (Source: ComScore)
  • 92% of mobile video viewers watch with sound off, and 80% of viewers are more likely to complete the video if it has captions (Source: Verizon Media)

Your Audience Wants Video (and They Want it Mobile)

  • 92% of internet users watch online videos (Source: Statista)
  • Total video watch time has increased by 44% in the last year (Source: Wistia)
  • 66% of travelers watched videos while planning a trip (Source: Google)
  • 65%of travelers watched videos to help choose a destination (Source: Google)
  • 54% of travelers watched videos to help choose accommodations (Source: Google)
  • 63% of travelers watched videos when looking for things to do at a location (Source: Google)
  • Almost 70% of people viewing digital videos do so on mobile (Source: Statista)

Due to the massive online audience seeking out video content, your strategy should include a healthy mix. Remember that since most users view content on mobile phones, you should use different aspect ratios to best reach users on different devices.

For example, to run Meta ads for The Point, a chain of Tiki Bars on the Jersey Shore, Forge Apollo created videos in the following three aspect ratios to fit different ad placements across mobile and desktop devices.

1×1 Aspect Ratio

16×9 Aspect Ratio

9×16 Aspect Ratio

To figure out how to fit video marketing into your strategy, check out these ways to use video for tourism marketing.

Your Competition is Using Video

  • 91% of brands use video (Source: Wyzowl)
  • Most marketers spend between 11%-50% of their marketing budget on video, and 55% plan to increase their spending. (Source: Wyzowl)
  • 69% of marketers have spent money on video ads (Source: Wyzowl)

Your competitors are likely already including video content in their marketing strategies. If you want to catch up (and surpass them), you should, too. Your budget should go towards producing video content and promoting it. Luckily, our next set of statistics shows how this spend pays off.

To get inspired by the “competition,” check out the best tourism campaigns of 2023.

Video Works for Multiple Goals

  • 41% of brands add CTAs to their videos (Source: Wistia)
  • 90% of marketers have positive ROI from video (Source: Wyzowl)
  • 90% of brands say video has increased brand awareness (Source: Wyzowl)
  • 86% have said it increased web traffic (Source: Wyzowl)
  • 87% say it’s increased leads and sales (Source: Wyzowl)

By adding CTAs to a video and promoting it well, brands can see a massive return on investment. While that return may be literal revenue in some cases, in others, it means meeting your non-revenue goals, such as brand awareness and increased website traffic.

For example, when Forge Apollo created this Evolution of the Bikini video for Breathless Resorts and Spas, it earned 153 million impressions and a 25% increase in web traffic within six days.

To maximize the ROI of your video content, check out our guide to maximizing travel ad content ROI.

Get Social

  • Each social media user spends an average of 2 hours and 23 minutes daily on social platforms. (Source: GWI)
  • Brands post social videos on at least two separate channels at least three to five times a week (Source: Wistia)
  • Brands create videos primarily for their websites and emails but also post to social media. (Source: Wistia)
  • Reels have more than twice the impressions than other post types on Instagram (Source: SocialInsider)
  • The majority of marketers find the most success from 30-60 second videos (Source: Wyzowl)

Users spend hours on social media and want to see short-form video content. Feature this content in your feed to reach more people. Reels can highlight your facilities, things to do, or even specific themes or feelings you want associated with your brand.

For example, Forge Apollo produced this Reel for Breathless Resorts and Spas to highlight the concept of living life to the fullest at their resort in their Live in Full Color campaign.

Different Types of Video

  • 87% of people say video quality affects brand trust (Source: Wyzowl)
  • 38% of marketers use a mix of in-house and video production partners (Source: Wyzowl)
  • 88% of consumers say authenticity is important when choosing brands to trust (Source: Nosto)
  • 79% of people say user-generated content impacts purchase decisions
  • Engagement is 28% higher when brands put out a mixture of UGC and brand-produced content (Source: ComScore)

Consumers don’t just want super polished content, so switch it up in your strategy! To build the most trust, use a mixture of high-quality content produced with a partner, simple content made in-house, and user-generated content. Each one of these video types is vital to driving trust and engagement.

To help you start creating content, check out our travel video marketing best practices.

Don’t Rely on Sound

  • Adding captions to your video increases viewer affinity by 95% (Source: Wistia)
  • 92% of mobile video viewers watch with sound off, and 80% of viewers are more likely to complete the video if it has captions (Source: Verizon Media)
  • In one study, viewers found 41% of videos meaningless without sound. (Source: Meta)

Many viewers watch content without sound, whether for accessibility reasons or a simple preference. If your content features dialogue or voice-overs, add captions and other on-screen text to ensure it makes sense without the audio.

Choose a Partner for High-Quality Video Production

While these video marketing statistics show that video production in digital marketing is essential, it doesn’t mean you must take it on alone. The right partner can guide you through the production process and deployment strategy to maximize ROI. Forge Apollo offers digital marketing and video production in Philadelphia, plus we travel worldwide to shoot content. Contact us today to discuss your marketing goals and how video production can help you meet them.

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